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Friday 13 February 2015

Introduction to Contextual Studies.

Introduction to Contextual Studies.
My name is Corrie Hewitt and I am a student from Preston's College. In this Blog, I will be researching into Contextual studies. Contextual studies is for those parts of the art and design curriculum that embrace art history, aesthetic theories and the social, economical, political, religious and numerous other contexts within which the practice of art and design, exists, develops and fulfils its purposes.
Contextual sources may be works by artists, designers, craftspeople or architects, as well as cultural objects and artefacts. I will be working from both primary and secondary contextual sources.
I will be studying how other artists and designers work is important to help my knowledge and understanding. I will also research on their ideas, techniques, style and development.  
"The Upset Keepers"
  Artist: R.รถ
  City: Paris

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